Archive for Earth Wisdom


Four Days of Ceremony

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Picture this: a New Moon gathering, the Turtle Moon, falling in the middle of a week of ceremony (October 24th through 28th) and 40 women having a ‘slumber party’ in the woods! The Second Annual Grandmothers Summit assembled at Camp Whittier, north of Santa Barbara, CA this year. In the midst of a beautiful oak woods with little cabins nestled in groups, we gathered to celebrate womanhood, Mother Earth, opening to the future, and the wisdom of our Ancestors. Flocks of wild turkeys gobbled for acorns, herds of Mule deer grazed on the only grass around – the playing field – and a huge hawks nest graced the oak tree in front of the lodge. For four days and four nights we gathered in gratitude and joy – in the main lodge, at the fire circle, and in the dining hall – renewing our sisterhood with sacred intent.

The Sacred circle was opened Monday night with a talking circle. We passed the talking feathers and everyone was deeply heard – a gift beyond measure is to be truly listened to by 39 others. It was only the beginning of the depth that was experienced during this “time out of time” of sacred sisterhood with the Sisters of Honua.

Each day, for the next three days, we had presenters of wisdom and sacred knowledge from a diverse background of experiences and learning to ground us in what is our truth here on Mother Earth. We learned how to ground deeply in the Earth, create flexible boundaries, and become invisible in various ways. We walked the path to our own Peace with a deep meditation following the story of  the “Peacemaker” Deganawida, who joined the warring tribes of the Iroquois into the peaceful Iroquois Nation long before the Europeans arrived.

A beautiful Tarahumara Curandera reminded us about the knowledge we can gain from sacred plants, the Moon Dance, and the use of prayer and blessing before, during, and after every act in life. Healing from the Gypsy (Rom) tradition was taught through Vas Pesh, Hand Walking, showing us that all the systems of the body can be addressed and healed using specific pressure points on the hands! Next came a fascinating session of Tibetan Astrology, coupled with a system of Numerology that gave us positive attributes from our first name and the shadow side of our nature from our last name. What a marvelous personal clearing this created for each of us by speaking these out loud.

We continued filling ourselves with sacredness and wisdom through stories of healing and spiritual gifts from those who have gone before, and connecting ourselves to All That Is through another deep meditation. A master drum maker and powerful Native singer gave us drumming and  song that expanded our senses and filled our hearts; then a creative sacred art project that showed us all unfolding in a strong, playful, unified community also brought us into alignment with our beautiful child within. Blended into these teachings were Fire ceremony, New Moon Women’s Initiation ceremony, an exciting market place with products from our facilitators, and many other blessings from our sisters of Spirit.

For every woman who attended this gathering, there were hundreds of her Ancestors that joined us in ceremony. We made a ripple in the fabric of the Universe, and it is filled with love, joy, peace, and our Dream Seeds! There is now an open connection to us from all the strong, powerful, wise women who have gone before. Stop a moment, plant your feet, connect to Mother Earth, and draw on the wisdom of the Fourth World as we pass through the gate into the Fifth World. Let us remember to leave behind everything that no longer serves us, and be open to the newness of all creation. Ah ho!

[Pictures to come!]