Archive for Being the Change


New Moon

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The New Moon is a time to set your intentions  for the month. The dark of the moon is the pregnant void, the chaos point where all creation starts and all creation returns.  This is a time full of promise and possibility. So I like to celebrate this phase of the moon with an eye towards creating the next month and, therefore, the rest of my life.

This morning I awoke excited by the New Moon.  I rearranged some stones, cleaned up altar spaces, watered and tended my houseplants, and lit an incense stick and some candles. In the brilliant warm sun streaming through the kitchen window, I wrote a check to myself. The date was now, the name was mine, the amount was “Paid In Full” on both lines, and the signature space was the Abundant Universe. Than sends a very strong intent to the Universe, and no limit on how it is to happen! I put it in a sacred place.

The first 24 to 48 hours after the New Moon is a perfect time to dream the next steps you are taking in your world and on your journey. We are always at a decision point about what we are going to drop from our path and what we are going to bring in to our experience. Moment by moment we decide what’s next. Taking the time to make this an aware process and participate in our life actively is key. Paying attention at this level will change the world.

There has never been a time before when everything moves so fast, or changes so quickly. We need to adopt attitudes and activities that keep us fluid, ones that allow us to re-frame our lives and bring in a new script whenever we need one to take us forward to the next best moment. The New Moon allows me the perfect opportunity to reflect on my next (highest and best) step(s).

This monthly pause for reflection and introspection allows time to assess our jobs, our lives, our relationships, and especially our dreams! The New Moon is when the Dream Seed gets planted. It will either happen through a default program that you have been using for years without thought, or you will interact with your own future by becoming aware that you can. It will either be the same old same old, or you will decide to ‘play’ with the program yourself!

The New Moon: A time for intention, ceremony, visioning, and setting the dream for the next month. Just throw one old thought, feeling, belief, or decision out and replace it with a new vision, a new intent. Only one old one out and one new one in each month, or we will feel overwhelmed! Have fun creating some ways of marking this as a special moment in your life. No time? Take a little pocket notebook with you and simply write what’s in and what’s out on the New Moon once a month. Then notice your life…


Separating the Wheat From the Chaff

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[For those of you who have no idea what this means, it is a term used when you winnow the wheat after it is harvested. The chaff, or the hulls, dry straws and stalks, are separated from the grains of wheat – the wheat is stored or taken to the miller for grinding and the straw is used for animal bedding, mulch, and compost. It’s also used as an expression and applied to many different situations.]

So let’s take a dispassionate look at our food and separate the wheat from the chaff. Never mind all the emotion and slinging of mud – let’s get down to basics. Food is our focus activity three or more times a day. We want it to taste good, look good, and nourish us so that we stay well and feel good. We want the wheat without the chaff.

For pretty much the entire history of humans on the earth, food has been a very direct experience. You grew it, you exchanged it with your neighbors, stores carried the staples, and fixing it was up to a person in the house – for the most part. We started to fall in love with convenience, time-savers, prepared foods of all kinds. Life was good and more and more Mommies were out of the kitchen! Suddenly there was a hamburger joint, and a pizza parlor; sometimes even a Chinese restaurant. In the cafeteria, the Lunch Ladies still cooked everything from scratch. Most of the food was supplied locally and it tasted good.

After the extensive interstate road system went in during the Eisenhower years, food was trucked farther and farther. As the distance from field to table increased, so did the preservatives and chemicals in our foods. Even the fresh veggies had to be sprayed to prevent rot on the way to market. No blemishes allowed in our supermarkets!

Industry had it made! Things we love to eat started to be manufactured with chemicals, and esters, and artificial color to the exclusion of all natural ingredients. It was no longer food. As the chemicals increased in our diet, our bodies found it harder and harder to get rid of these toxins fast enough. Every day another load of chemicals came into our bodies; and every day we struggled to rid our bodies of all the chemicals. We also stopped noticing all the small differences in our bodies and in our health.We stopped noticing we just didn’t feel as good as we used to.

Gradually, all the chemicals in our food, in our water, and in our air became so prevalent and common that a new born baby has 200 chemicals in their little bloodstream at birth before ever having the first drink of  Mother’s milk. This is very serious. This means that when that baby takes in food for the first time – even Mother’s milk – that child is increasing the amount of chemicals in their tiny body because it’s in the Mother’s bloodstream as well. Is it any wonder the number of children with chronic conditions of all kinds has gone up so high? For the first time, the prediction is that the parents of today will outlive their children!

So here’s an experiment you can do on your own. Grab one of your favorite foods that is prepared for you. Read what’s on the label and for every ingredient that has a chemical name, look it up. I did it and was shocked by what I found. Sodium benzoate or benzoate of soda is a very common preservative. It’s been in use since I was a child and before. In Wikipedia the description includes the words “a known carcinogen” and says it becomes more toxic when combined with an acid. Like orange juice? Vinegar? Wine? They’re having a party in my tummy!

So go for it, Friends! Keep track of what you are eating. Make a list for the refrigerator and have everyone old enough to read put the ingredients of the food eaten on the list. Check off each ingredient every time you eat it again. One night sit down and look up each item to see what you are eating – and how much of it. Then talk about ways to reduce the chemical overload on your bodies.

Here are a few good rules of thumb: If it isn’t the color of food, it isn’t food. Red and blue dyes are very upsetting to some kids systems. Even the amount in their toothpaste can ‘set them off’. Until genetically modified foods (GMO’s) are labelled, avoid soy and soy products, corn and corn products, canola or rape seed oil, cottonseed oil, and beet sugar. All of these products have been shown to be very harmful to all living creatures after they are genetically modified. Apparently we don’t do well with a load of pesticides in our food either!

You can choose, you know. You can change the system with your choices. This is being proven again right now in the world. Everyone deserves clean food. For the moment, that is only possible if we eat whole foods, organic foods, foods we grow, and foods that are labelled “No GMO’s”. It’s tough to change; but the alternatives are truly grim! If we keep eating chemicals every day in everything we eat, we will all be very sick.


Four Days of Ceremony

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Picture this: a New Moon gathering, the Turtle Moon, falling in the middle of a week of ceremony (October 24th through 28th) and 40 women having a ‘slumber party’ in the woods! The Second Annual Grandmothers Summit assembled at Camp Whittier, north of Santa Barbara, CA this year. In the midst of a beautiful oak woods with little cabins nestled in groups, we gathered to celebrate womanhood, Mother Earth, opening to the future, and the wisdom of our Ancestors. Flocks of wild turkeys gobbled for acorns, herds of Mule deer grazed on the only grass around – the playing field – and a huge hawks nest graced the oak tree in front of the lodge. For four days and four nights we gathered in gratitude and joy – in the main lodge, at the fire circle, and in the dining hall – renewing our sisterhood with sacred intent.

The Sacred circle was opened Monday night with a talking circle. We passed the talking feathers and everyone was deeply heard – a gift beyond measure is to be truly listened to by 39 others. It was only the beginning of the depth that was experienced during this “time out of time” of sacred sisterhood with the Sisters of Honua.

Each day, for the next three days, we had presenters of wisdom and sacred knowledge from a diverse background of experiences and learning to ground us in what is our truth here on Mother Earth. We learned how to ground deeply in the Earth, create flexible boundaries, and become invisible in various ways. We walked the path to our own Peace with a deep meditation following the story of  the “Peacemaker” Deganawida, who joined the warring tribes of the Iroquois into the peaceful Iroquois Nation long before the Europeans arrived.

A beautiful Tarahumara Curandera reminded us about the knowledge we can gain from sacred plants, the Moon Dance, and the use of prayer and blessing before, during, and after every act in life. Healing from the Gypsy (Rom) tradition was taught through Vas Pesh, Hand Walking, showing us that all the systems of the body can be addressed and healed using specific pressure points on the hands! Next came a fascinating session of Tibetan Astrology, coupled with a system of Numerology that gave us positive attributes from our first name and the shadow side of our nature from our last name. What a marvelous personal clearing this created for each of us by speaking these out loud.

We continued filling ourselves with sacredness and wisdom through stories of healing and spiritual gifts from those who have gone before, and connecting ourselves to All That Is through another deep meditation. A master drum maker and powerful Native singer gave us drumming and  song that expanded our senses and filled our hearts; then a creative sacred art project that showed us all unfolding in a strong, playful, unified community also brought us into alignment with our beautiful child within. Blended into these teachings were Fire ceremony, New Moon Women’s Initiation ceremony, an exciting market place with products from our facilitators, and many other blessings from our sisters of Spirit.

For every woman who attended this gathering, there were hundreds of her Ancestors that joined us in ceremony. We made a ripple in the fabric of the Universe, and it is filled with love, joy, peace, and our Dream Seeds! There is now an open connection to us from all the strong, powerful, wise women who have gone before. Stop a moment, plant your feet, connect to Mother Earth, and draw on the wisdom of the Fourth World as we pass through the gate into the Fifth World. Let us remember to leave behind everything that no longer serves us, and be open to the newness of all creation. Ah ho!

[Pictures to come!]