Archive for Listening to your body/your self



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One of my favorite gifts this Christmas is a book by Sandor Katz “Wild Fermentation: The Flavor, Nutrition, and Craft of Live-Culture Foods”. I had forgotten how much I love all those fermented foods, and how easy it is to make them at home. What I didn’t know was how very good they are for our digestive tracts! However they have to still be alive to help us out. This means unpasteurized, and fresh so that these little organisms can re-populate our systems with the good stuff every day.

We don’t realize how dependent we are on these good guys until we start having them again – whole and living – and feel the changes for the better in our guts. There are many different ones in every culture around the world (pun intended). There are the vegetable krauts and kimchis, miso, tempeh, yogurt & kefir, cheese, pickles, meads, wines, and beers. There are also breads, vinegars, soy sauces, and fish sauces. The reason that they are always found on the table in many cultures, including ours just a few decades ago, is because they aid in digestion and elimination – not to mention helping manufacture B vitamins!

But those little organisms have to be live! So it being winter and loving all the heavier foods of winter, I decided to start some sour kraut in a crock on the counter in the kitchen! I’ve made kraut before, years ago, in a #10 crock with a large number of cabbage. It was for the whole winter and little did I know that by canning it, I was killing the best part! So this is a very small batch, less than one large cabbage, layered with sprinkles of sea salt and kosher salt.

A week later when I remove the weight and the plate which keeps the kraut under the brine, it has begun to ferment. The taste is a little bit sharp, salty, and still definitely crunchy to the teeth. Already the kraut tastes yummy and I can hardly wait to see how it tastes next week. I may have to try it every day!

After reading this book, I’ve discovered why my beet borscht was never the right amount of sour. I fiddled with the lemons and the yogurt or sour cream, and still not quite right. Now I find it contains saueruben, or fermented beets, done just like the cabbage kraut! I’ll let you know how it turns out after I’ve fermented the beets for a month or so…

Consider this to be another way to get back to basics and begin to enjoy real, live foods again. We all know the industrialized, factory foods are making us sick; now lets get some real and healing foods back in our lives and on our tables. Start anywhere, making sure the yogurt you buy is alive, making your own sourdough bread, starting sour kraut, eating unpasteurized and/or raw milk cheese. Or there is always making beer at home!


Seasons of Food

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Long ago and far away when I was growing up, there was a very different flow of food to the table. Even in the suburban bedroom communities of New York City we had a garden and a dozen chickens in the backyard. Lots of food was raised at home by everyone, even in Brooklyn! And food markets reflected the local seasons. This was before Eisenhower’s highways were finished and it took the better part of three days to drive from NYC to Knoxville, TN. The rhythms of the seasons was reflected in the food we ate. Let me explain.

Every part of our country has seasonal crops and times when every local vegetable and fruit is abundant. Without the far flung shipping we now have there were also times when you simply could not get certain things, and various produce we are now used to never showed up fresh at all. So with the emphasis on buying locally again I have been going back to the way we used to eat – and I have realized how much sense it makes to my body!

Spring was so welcome because fresh green foods could be added back into our diet after a winter diet of root crops, dried, canned and frozen foods, stews, soups and winter squash. It was a natural time to detox and clean out our systems with dandelion greens, asparagus, peas, green onions, lettuces, spinach, radishes and finally strawberries! Spring lamb and broiler sized chickens were again on the menu. Our whole diet was lighter and full of that new green of Spring. The chickens were laying eggs!

The beginning of Summer was a feast of all the early crops and fruits: peaches, cherries, green beans, summer squash, and more greens. This was a wonderful feast time and we ate right out of the garden. The meat on the table was poultry and lighter meals than winter. Although we had started putting food by as soon as there was any extra food in the Spring (Strawberry jam, peas), canning and freezing was now in high gear. We never sat down without some veggies or fruits to prepare for ‘putting by’.We talked about how good it would taste come Winter.

July brought corn and tomatoes, peppers and cucumbers, broccoli and more beans. We ate and canned and pickled and preserved; weeded and watered and fertilized and replanted. More food was on the way! August came with cauliflower, cabbage, beets, later carrots, eggplant, and more squash. Zucchini was left as a surprise on neighbors doorsteps just to get rid of it! Potatoes had started to be dug as well.

The first crisp days of Fall propelled us into a last frenzy of activity to save all the root crops and winter squash for the lean days of late winter. Apples were ready for the root cellar, applesauce, drying, and canned for pies. We waited for the first light frosts to sweeten the kale and Brussels sprouts before we harvested. Rows of parsnips, carrots, beets, and turnips were either pulled and stored or covered with piles of mulch to be dug all winter without being frozen. By the first deep days of winter, the pantry, freezer, cellar shelves, and attic were stuffed with food. Freezer lockers held beef, pork, and chickens; hams and bacon had been smoked and hung in brown paper.

In some ways winter was a favorite season. No more putting food by, tending the garden, or sitting with a bushel basket between my legs cleaning and preparing veggies! This was a time of hearty stews, slow cooked foods, and deeply satisfying soups. My body likes this, too. In Winter I need the depth and richness of these dishes to keep me warm.

Now, as we are in the last months of Winter, I have started to look forward to the greens of  Spring to tone up my body. I am ready to start the plants for the gardens of Summer, and will do better about keeping the ‘winter keepers’ safe and eatable longer. Yes, in a cold climate I do put on 5 to 10 pounds as soon as it gets really cold, but in the Spring with the increase of outdoor activity and the new lighter foods, it all comes off quickly. I love how my body responds to these changes. I trust this wisdom, and I find if I stick to a seasonal diet all is well! Indeed, variety is the spice of life!


Being Young

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A lot has been written about keeping your brain active and learning new things to activate your ‘little grey cells’ as we add more and more Birthdays. All of this is an important part of keeping the brain vital and young. New circuits are formed and old synapses are rejuvenated. This is all very well and good as far as it goes. For continued all around youthfulness all the rest of our body systems also need to be gently challenged as well.

What does this look like? Well, staying physically active is a part of this, of course. However there are some specific attitudes and intentions that are of particular importance. You don’t have to do hard physical labor to keep limber and fit. Yoga, T’ai Chi, and other forms of movement will achieve the same result without the wear and tear of hard labor. There is also a practice of body awareness that only takes your attention. It is one of the most beneficial additions to overall youthful well being and doesn’t cost a penny. You can practice it anywhere, at anytime as well!

Very simply you need to put your awareness on your body frequently and then pay close attention to what information you ‘hear’. Let me give you some examples of this practice. When I am drying myself after a bath or shower I am also appreciating every part of my body. I pay close attention to each part as I dry it off, thanking my arms for working, my legs for carrying me forward, my back for holding me together, and my skin for covering everything so well. It’s all about noticing me as my body and appreciating every cell. It’s about exuding gratitude as I notice each part, being thankful and grateful I have a body to get around in on this earth.

I also regularly listen to my body when it requests movement. This takes a little more attention since it is not in words at all. When my arm feels stiff, it is asking me to move it, loosen it up. When I am stiff getting up, my body is asking me to limber up. When I am stressed and weary at night, I put on some good dance music and move to the music. This is not always the same as dancing because when I feel a limit in my movement, a hitch in my back, I stop and move just that part slowly and gently until there is more freedom.It may look very odd however it feels very good.

As I move through my day I have made a practice of thanking my legs for carrying me, thanking my hands for opening and closing things, and thanking my whole body for putting up with so much from me! I’ll have sympathy for the parts that need that and praise for the rest. The more I do this, the more grateful I become, which makes me joyful. The more care and attention my body receives from me, the better I feel all over.

I also regularly see a very good ‘body mechanic’ (Osteopath, chiropractor, etc) and also get massages. These are not luxuries to me and my body, these are the very bare bones of being young!