Archive for Family Story


Making A Difference

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Sometimes it’s difficult to know what to do first, or how to go about making a difference in the world. It has become increasingly obvious that we all need to do something to help out – especially since it feels like the old programs that run our world have gone berserk – are totally out of control. Making a difference is seen as such a daunting task I wanted to bring it down to the level of do-able by anyone.

First of all turn off the news. You will hear anything you need to hear without being plugged into every dreary bit. There is nothing even-handed or real about the news. It is all sorted by persons whose agenda has to do with selling, not informing. It is a depressing illusion which saps my emotional strength creating an atmosphere internally of hopelessness/helplessness and horror.It creates mass hypnosis and mind lock.

Second, grab a good attitude for yourself. Work on this all the time by deliberately focusing on whatever creates inner peace, joy, and love. There have been times in my life when I had to refer to a list on the door of the refrigerator to remind myself of the things I’m grateful for. Let me tell you though, it’s worth it! You can start with being grateful for a hot shower and a meal on the table; a  roof over your head and a bed to sleep in; sight, hearing and legs to carry you from here to there. Sunshine, bird song, and the changing seasons.

Practice sending out the light of human kindness to your little neighborhood.  See your own home as being a light on the block where you live. See your whole property surrounded by a globe of light, a welcoming, safe, and friendly atmosphere that draws to it more of the same vibration. An interesting phenomenon has happened in every place I’ve lived. I have been practicing this golden globe of human kindness for decades now and the crime statistics in my neighborhood have dropped everywhere I’ve lived. I start with my home and then slowly day by day increase the field of influence to include the whole neighborhood.

Here is a small thing you can do that does make a difference. It attracts kindness and appreciation for others. It improves the neighborhood. The more each of us focuses on kind thoughts about others, openly admiring what others do and say that is admirable, appreciating the little things that affect our lives positively and saying kind and helpful things to strangers, the more this spreads to the rest of the community. It has been shown by research that one genuine smile given to another will change the day of hundreds of people you have never met. It gets passed on faster than a virus in winter!

So smile at strangers. Think kind thoughts. Pass on goodness. Place a golden ball of loving energy around you, your home and finally your neighborhood. When you wake, start the day with five good words (like love, joy, abundance, peace, & gratitude). Have your last thoughts at night be ones of appreciation for the love around you and what you do have. If you can awaken with a smile on your lips and go to sleep with a song in your heart the world will be a better place to live in for sure.

Go there; do that. Live well. We are changing the world for the better with this positive intention. You can bet on it!


What Kids Need To Know

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Not so very long ago kids learned how to take care of themselves and others at a realitively young age. It was expected and necessary as there was always the need for an extra pair of hands around the house. Children helped take care of younger brothers and sisters by age 4 or 5, made their own bed, put away some or most of their clothes, picked up after themselves, and generally made a visible contribution to the family. In rural cultures the chores kids did were much more than this and in most of the rest of the world children are depended on to be competent in certain age appropriate ways.

Now this might sound like I am advocating some form of child labor. Not so. What concerns me about many (most) urban American children is the lack of common ordinary skills, not being able to take care of themselves and others younger then themselves to a moderate degree, and not being comfortable with age appropriate responsibility. The more you know, the more confident you are. “I can do that!” is a wonderful thing to be able to say to yourself!

So what skills are important for children? Which skills will increase confidence in themselves? How do we give them a ‘leg-up’ so that each one feels able to handle sudden unexpected events with confidence instead of fear and panic? I guess each one of us has to define this for their family, however the end goal is the same: have all kids feel good about being able to cope with life.

What can kids do at what age? Much, much more than you think! At age 5 my oldest son was changing diapers and feeding his younger sister and brother breakfast every morning. I didn’t ask him, he just did it. At this age getting cereal and milk, making peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, making your bed, putting away clothes, folding clothes, and dressing yourself are all well within the abilities of a 5 year old. I also know at other times-gone-by children at this age fed the smaller animals, hung out clothes on the line, weeded the garden, took care of the chickens, did simple mending and sewed doll clothes, and walked to school – even if it was a mile or two away.

Within the next year or so most of us, when I was growing up, could use a small pocket knife, tie knots, whistle, cook simple meals, take care of the baby for a short time, vacuum, wash dishes, and even iron. Again, I am not suggesting that all kids do all these things, I AM suggesting that the sooner each child can do the simple things of everyday life, the safer and more competent each one is.

We were big hikers in our family and loved to walk in the mountains or on a deserted country road for the day. It was important for the kids to be able to walk comfortably for long periods of time so we weren’t always carrying them. Our goal was to have each one walk two miles  by age two without being picked up. It took a long time to walk that far for sure, and everyone of the five was able to do this by age two! Here in Colorado kids are on skis by the time they are two, in California they swim well by then, so why not do other things as well?

The object is to give our children and grandchildren as much education about life as possible so that when something unexpected comes up each one knows what to do without panic. I want kids to be able to feed themselves, go to the neighbors, dial 911, know what to do about a fire, be able to leave the house by several different methods, and hide if necessary. I want them to know how to use scizzors, duct tape, rope, string, and their brain. We need to make sure our kids can think outside the box, be creative and original, and use deductive reasoning since it seems we are coming into a very changable and unknown future. Let’s give the kids the gift of being home smart, life smart, and street smart!


A Laundry P.S.

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I learned as a young girl that when I hung the clothes on the line, everyone left me alone! I loved the time to myself  with the bird songs, the breezes, the lovely clean smell of the clothes and how it looked when I was done. The order of well hung clothes blowing on the line gave me a feeling of pride in my work.

Some of my family always thought I was far too concerned with the way they were hung, and the order I put them in. I did have all the towels together, all the t-shirts, all the socks, etc. In the small picture this seems obssesive. What only becomes apparent when you follow the whole process is that as I took the clothes down and folded them, everything was already sorted, the socks could be balled and so they were ready to go in the drawer.

I kept this practice up as a Mother since it gave me a time outside alone, which I treasured above all else with five children at home. It also gave me a sense of order and beauty none of them would mess up. Looking at the neat rows of clothes drying on the line and smelling so good is a satisfaction I still smile over and remember all the way back to the time I was barely tall enough to reach the line, so I used a stool. Sweet memories indeed!

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